Cognitive Functional Therapy is a mind-body approach to managing pain problems when they become disabling and distressing. In contrast to more traditional physiotherapy where the therapist performs hands-on treatment, with Cognitive Functional Therapy the aim is to place the patient in charge of their pain condition and to coach the person to understand it and effectively self-manage it.

Whether you sustained an injury recreationally, in sport, or post-surgery, your current function will be assessed and we will strategize how to get you to your desired level of functioning. Rehabilitation will have a strong emphasis on exercise, a variety of cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and manual therapy as needed. The manual therapy is an adjunct to the exercise program and pain knowledge. I believe manual therapy can modulate patients pain in the short term which is beneficial but emphasis will be on getting you off the therapy table and learning how to promote self healing and self coping strategies to allow you, the patient, to return to your desired activities. Physiotherapy can also assist in injury risk reduction by assessing and building a program based on the missing components of your training and rehabilitation.

Chronic pain is one of my specialties, this can be done through virtual physiotherapy and/or home physiotherapy. During our sessions, pain and the science and psychology of pain will be discussed in depth allowing the patient to have a clearer understanding of their pain experience. This will empower people to regain control over their lives again. I will provide a framework and the tools needed to help the patient cope with their pain better. The first step is in the understanding of pain itself and its contributing factors.

These programs are tailored to fit the client's needs and goals and will primarily involve range of motion exercises, strengthening, conditioning, returning to activities of daily living and resuming hobbies and desired activities. Post surgical pain management and wound care and preventing unnecessary complications is an integral part of the rehab here.

This is where I expose to confront fear and perhaps pain. Virtual physiotherapy sessions here would make people aware of their fear and introduce concepts of exposure therapy--It can be practiced in different formats including imaginal exposure to an image or memory of the feared object or situation. This is a good place to start depending on the level of fear and anxiety surrounding the fear
Home physiotherapy is better for practicing in-vivo exposure (exposure to the feared object or situations in real life. Here we would be merely poking into avoided positions, focusing on breathing, focusing on how, you the client are safe and you can learn to control anxiety, fear and pain.
Inhibitory learning is the result of “safe” exposure to the feared stimulus. Without doing this the person can not “learn” that they are overestimating (overprotecting) the outcome (pain/damage). Graded activity is a sub set of this therapy and it is used to expose into sensitive or avoided activities to build a tolerance or habituate. Dosage is key here.
“Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have over 10 yrs experience, and have been predominantly (in the private sector) heavily involved in sport and orthopedic related therapy and injuries. I have a huge interest in Pain Science and how we must do better with our critical thinking in our quest to empower our clients. Reconciling new pain science with old theories, that still may be helpful, but in a different way to the way we once were thought is what interests me.
This presentation is for anybody who is in pain or who wants to gain greater knowledge in dealing with people in pain. It is for patients, practitioners, healthcare workers, yoga instructors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, kinesiologists, personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches.
• A simple framework to use with every client in pain
• A discussion on what is necessary to mitigate recovery
• When do we push into pain and when do we pull back - avoid and protect or expose and adapt.
• Do we always have to listen to our pain
• Stretching what is it really doing, and it is really necessary for injury prevention
• Posture - is there such a thing as an ideal posture
• Manual handling. Is back injury avoidable by lifting correctly. What is lifting correctly?
My ethos challenges some of the conventional ways that we do things and why we do things. This will be a crash course presentation to get the juices flowing and open discussion is welcome.
• Learn how to navigate the murky waters of patient therapy.
• Learn simple analogies to bolster your therapy interventions.
• Challenge your bias on how and why we think certain mechanism work.
• To be a movement optimist .
• The power of words.
• Enhancing our critical thinking awareness.
The goal here is to build our patients up and empower them. I am not selling the latest new tool or toy. There is no magic bullet in our world but rather an extensive framework and guide to use with your clients. I am not here to change your minds; I am here to challenge current concepts and let you decide.

Virtual and in-person services from the comfort of your own home.
Payments accepted are debit or credit cards, cash or e-transfer. Most extended health plans will provide some coverage for Physiotherapy. Please check with your provider for more detailed information on benefits available to you. We do not directly bill third parties; however, we will provide you with a receipt that can be submitted to your provider for reimbursement. BC receipts will include CPTBC registration number.